Have you ever read this?
It's a quite interesting article which might make you think again about your cycling helmet.
The article is not good enough to show comparison between wearing helmet and helmet-less. If you want to compare them, have 2 heads of living men, one wearing helmet and the other is not wearing helmet, then drop those heads from a moving bike, make sure both heads hit something in similar fashion.
Talking about helmet and head injuries, in my opinion, just use your common sense. If you think you don't need to wear a helmet, don't wear it. It is fully an option. But let me ask you. How good is your riding skill? How awful is the traffic in your city? How sure can you avoid all danger of urban cycling?
What I'm trying to say is, SHIT HAPPENS!!
Of course it will not make any difference of wearing helmet or not if you're not in bad luck, when everything is just as smooth as you want, helmet will have no use.. i agree. But what if something unwanted happens and at that time, unfortunately, you're not wearing a helmet? Will a helmet make any difference? Answer it yourself..
This one is important, if wearing helmet affects your riding skill ( i don't know it can happen or not), you should really think twice about wearing helmet. Because helmet only protects your head when shit happens. Your riding skill is the one determining how good you can avoid accidents in urban cycling. Maybe you should find a helmet which is very comfortable for your head.
I'm not trying to force people to wear helmet.. Once again, helmet is an option. But in Jakarta, when bike commuting is simply a survival game, i think you will need full-body armor plus a full-face helmet.