Thursday, September 17, 2009

No-Sweat Bike-Commuting

After reading some blogs about bike commuting which tell us how to not be soaked by our own sweat, i decided to give it a try, and... quite satisfying result.. hehe..

Want to know how did i do it?

  1. The first thing to keep the sweat away is : NO BACKPACK! Seriously, put your bag on the rack.. or if you have no rack, change your backpack with some kind of bag with a concept of messenger bag. So you can easily move your bag to the front of your body without dismounting the bag from your back. When you feel it is about to sweat, you can just move the bag away from your back.
  2. Sit in upright position. Adjust your bike so the saddle is lower than the handle bar so you can sit in upright position. With this position you can ride your bike with more relax, and the sweat will of course reduced.
  3. And the important thing to keep you out of sweat is..... to slowdown. Come on, stop pushing yourself too hard. Just relax, slowdown, and enjoy the ride. Riding a bike is actually the same with walking, both use your own power. But one you can do with your bike is, coasting. Some people say coasting is a bad habit, okay, somehow i agree, but it is a very useful feature to keep you sweat-less. Or you don't have to do the coasting part, just ride it in a slow to moderate speed. Why so hurry when riding your bike? We all know the joy of riding a bike, so enjoy it.

Those are three main things to commute by bike without sweat i found in some blogs. The first two tips can be done with not much problem i believe. But in Indonesia, it's not easy to slowdown, because we share the lane with motorcycles.. And another issue is our tropical climate. The heat will definitely make you sweat. That's why it is not easy to keep your body out of sweat if we have to go by bike in midday, but still very feasible if we commute in morning time.

Well, i hope the tips will be useful..

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